where to go after reading the basic tutorial?

i recently read the tutorials page and i am wondering,
where should i go to learn more C++ comcepts?
Are there any more built in features?
Or are the rest in libs?
so far its the best lang ive programmed in.
Have you learned about template?
closed account (1vD3vCM9)
Read more books.
I recommend "The C++ Programming Language 4th Edition".

yes i finished the tutorial in the tutorial section of the site.
witch covered templates.
Try the website learncpp.com, its more thourough.
closed account (E0p9LyTq)
Bjarne Stroustrup's book: "Programming Principles and Practice Using C++, 2nd Edition"

"The C++ Programming Language 4th Edition" is more of a reference, PPP is based on his college classes.

There are other books to consider:

Here's a list of books to buy (and not buy):
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