x, y, z,
x + sin(YAW / 180 * PI),
y + sin(PITCH / 180 * PI),
z + sin(YAW / 180 * PI) + cos(PITCH / 180 * PI),
0, y + cos(PITCH / 180 * PI), z + sin(PITCH / 180 * PI));
Above is what I have currently. Yaw viewing is described only in eyeXYZ as the axis of rotation about upXYZ is constant, whereas pitch viewing is described in both centerXYZ and upXYZ as the axis about upXYZ has to change relative to yaw.
All that I am confident upon currently is that roll will only have to be described in upXYZ as it is intrinsic to the viewer and not dependant upon absolute co-ordinates.
Firstly, I have realised an error with the pitch. This being that it only returns the correct value should yaw be at 0. I will be fixing this by changing the proportionalities based on yaw.
Kemort, why exactly have you linked me to my own thread both on this one and the previous solved one?