Help needed on Assignment

closed account (jw6kSL3A)
Hey guys I am really new to C++ and need major help. I am currently taking a class that has an assignment due tonight that I have no clue how to due. the prompt is:

Write a class named Student, Define data fields for Student, ie

student name,
integer student id number (always use fake number as data for this program)
classes registered - use array of strings

Write two constructors for this class, Write get and set functions. In main create two instances of students. Demo the member functions.

If anyone knows how to create such a class and could help me out that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
Hi Izakov,

Start but reading this , write some code and then post any specfic questions (with code) that you have. You should be able to complete this assignment, and we can help, but you should show a little more effort.

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