I am trying to learn working with static libraries, but I am meeting this error error LNK1104: cannot open file 'array.lib'
This is what I've done step by step:
File-> New-> Projects-> Win32 Project (name: darray), Next, select <<static library>> from Win32 application wizard page.
Project-> Add exiting item-> Files-> add DArray.h DArray.cpp (which are for a code about dynamic arrays)
Compile project : no problem
File-> New-> Projects-> Win32 Console Application (name: darray1)
Project-> Add to project-> Files-> add main.cpp (test code for dynamic arrays)
project-> Properties-> Linker-> Input, Additional Dependencies : "darray.lib"
Compile: error LNK1104: cannot open file 'array.lib'
I searched online and found this forum: [url="
I tried every possible solutions they gave and I underestood but nothing is changed.
I tried C:\Users\SAEEDE\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\darray\Debug\darray.lib
& "C:\Users\SAEEDE\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\darray\Debug\darray.lib"
& "C:\Users\SAEEDE\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\darray\Debug\darray.lib";
Can you help me please?