How should I define static member of class in this case?
Object::tex.loadMedia didn't work
Object.tex.loadMedia didn't work
LTexture Object::tex.loadMedia didn't work
LTexture Object.tex.loadMedia didn't work
Object::tex.loadMedia didn't work
Object.tex.loadMedia didn't work
LTexture Object::tex.loadMedia didn't work
LTexture Object.tex.loadMedia didn't work
tex doesn't have a method called loadMedia
You can call : Object::tex.loadFormFile("Filename");
Ohh i meant loadFromFile every time there. But the biggest problem is that when I declare extern Object Walls[4] in header.h and then write Object Walls[4] in header.cpp and add Object::tex.loadFormFile("Filename"); to loadMedia ( it is just normal function not method of any class) I get
1 2
error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: static class LTexture Object::tex" (?tex@Object@@2VLTexture@@A)
fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals