Music file Propeties in C++?

Hello there, im looking how to get music file propeties in C++, i searched on google but i didnt found a good way. (To write and read), i use CODE::BLOCKS 16.01, sorry for my english and thanks in advance!
get music file propeties

Do you maybe mean the tags in mp3 files ?
Yeah, propeties like:
And so on ...
Only mp3, i dont need another, also this is not an homework. :)
A Google search for "c++ read mp3 tags" seems to provide lots of helpful links.
Here is a description about the mp3 tags.

You mostly need to know about using ifstream (read nad seek) in binary format.
I didn't try how you writed there :), i searched with typo problem, only now i realised xD

THANKS, helpful link!

Thanks all of you guys!
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