Pointers and chars

hey guys, I'm working my way through c++ primer and using sources such as this to help me. I read that each memory cell is 1 byte big (8 bits). So when I declare a 16 bit char does it get split between 2 cells? also does the bit of the operating system impact this? Also a random question when it talks about memory cells is it referring to RAM?
So when I declare a 16 bit char does it get split between 2 cells?

Yes, the functions that deal with wide characters do the right thing.

also does the bit of the operating system impact this?

That doesn't make sense as a question. A bit is still a bit, ain't no changing that - it holds a 0 or 1.

Also a random question when it talks about memory cells is it referring to RAM?

Yes. Although if the operating system runs out of RAM, it can start using secondary storage (the hard drive / SSD) to swap out memory that hasn't been used for awhile. It's much slower.
Haha thank you dude you helped a lot:D
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