while loop fails to run

Pages: 123
how, argue ? i asked question keyboard warrior?
> How, argue ? i asked question keyboard warrior?
Just go to your first post and click "Mark as Solved"
closed account (48T7M4Gy)
I'd concentrate on C++ because you need all the help you can get the way you're (non) performing at it. You've been here for an extraordinarily long to time over the same couple of lines and haven't advanced much.
agian just asked how amything you would like to add/say from the keyboard? Really guy?
> Again just asked how anything you would like to add/say from the keyboard? Really guy?
You don't seem to be putting much efforts into creating a meaningful question I think?
Last edited on
closed account (48T7M4Gy)
Great thread title you chose miah
while (arguing point)
   failing miserably  at C++;
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Pages: 123