What is the different between variables?

What is the difference between the variables?
Do you mean variable types?

Bit size and how many place values they can display and some can have combos of negatives, decimals, whole numbers
Yes, I meant variable types.

Which of those properties belong to which types?
I am guessing that only more advanced scripters would use the other ones....

http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/variables/ (see Fundamental data types)
Also, long long int - 64 nit number <18446744073709551616
But how do they ....really.... differ from each other? What are their main differences?
What are their main differences?
Between integral types, the main difference is signedness (whether the type can represent negatives) and size (how many bits the type contains, or the largest value the type can represent). Between integral and floating point types, whether the type can represent fractional values. Floating point types can have different size, too.

Then there's the non-basic types, which is a whole different story.
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