trying to store a changing variable using str::size in a seperate variable

Back again, I'm trying to get the size of 'str' by the .size function. I have an int variable to store the results in.
  String str = "hello";
  Int strchar;

    Str.size() = strchar;

I only need my program to loop as many times as the size or length of the str value. I have also tried using:

Str.length = strchar

And im getting the :

Error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment

I was hoping someone could judge me in the right direction as to where I'm going wrong
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You have the assignment statement with the operands on the wrong side of the = sign.
int x = 5; // ok - declare variable x and give it an initial value of 5
x = 17;    // ok - give x the new value of 17
4 = x;     // error - attempt to give a new value of 17 to the number 4. 
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