Hi everyone, I'm doing the beginner excercises found here. http://www.cplusplus.com/articles/N6vU7k9E/
I've got the first 3 done and id like some feedback on them. However, I'd also like some help on the pancake glutton program ive got the first modification but i'm having a lot of toruble displaying the array in descending order. Here are my programs.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
#include <iostream>
int main() {
int grade;
std::cout << "What grade did you get in programming?" << "\n I got a ";
std::cin >> grade;
if(grade == 100) std::cout << "You got a perfect score!\n";
if(grade <= 100 && grade >= 90) std::cout << "Letter grade: A (90 - 100)";
if(grade <= 89 && grade >= 80) std::cout << "Letter grade: B (80 - 89)";
if(grade <= 79 && grade >= 70) std::cout << "Letter grade: C (70 - 79)";
if(grade <= 69 && grade >= 60) std::cout << "Letter grade: D (60 - 69)";
if(grade <= 59 && grade >= 0) std::cout << "Letter grade: F (0 - 59)";
return 0;
#include <iostream>
int main() {
int num = 0;
int times = 0;
int ans = 0;
do {
std::cout << "Enter any number other than " << times << ": ";
std::cin >> num;
ans = times;
} while(num != ans && times != 10);
if(num == ans) std::cout << "\nYou were not supposed to enter " << ans << "!\n";
if(times == 10) std::cout << "\nWow you're really patient!\n";
return 0;
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
int main() {
int personNum = 1; //person number
int pancakeNum = 0; // how many pancakes they eat
std::vector <int> pancakesEaten; //array of the number of pancakes eaten
while(personNum <= 10) {
std::cout << "How many did person " << personNum << " eat: ";
std::cin >> pancakeNum;
int maxPan = pancakesEaten[0];
int leastPan = pancakesEaten[0];
int maxIndex = 0;
int leastIndex = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < pancakesEaten.size(); i++) {
//std::cout << pancakesEaten[i] << "\n";
if(pancakesEaten[i] > maxPan) {
maxPan = pancakesEaten[i];
maxIndex = i;
if(pancakesEaten[i] < leastPan) {
leastPan = pancakesEaten[i];
leastIndex = i;
std::cout << "Person " << maxIndex + 1 << " ate the most! They ate " << pancakesEaten[maxIndex] << ".\n";
std::cout << "Person " << leastIndex + 1 << " ate the least! They ate " << pancakesEaten[leastIndex] << ".";
return 0;
I tried to find the max number in the array, output who ate that many and then delete it from the array and do it again (EX. 1 2 34 5 6 9. fine 34 out put person 3 ate 34 then delete it and then it would find the max again which would be 9) but my indexes all screwed up and i know there has to be a batter way to do it.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
int main() {
int person = 1; // which person
int numpan = 0; // how many pancakes that person ate
std::vector <int> pancakes;
while(person <= 10) {
std::cout << "How many pancakes did person " << person << " eat? ";
std::cin >> numpan;
std::cout << '\n';
int times = 0;
int mostpancakes = pancakes[0];
int mostindex = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < pancakes.size(); i++) {
if(pancakes[i] > mostpancakes) {
mostpancakes = pancakes[i];
mostindex = i;
std::cout << "Person " << mostindex + 1 << " ate " << pancakes[mostindex] << '\n';
pancakes.erase(pancakes.begin()+ mostindex);
}while(times < 10);
//std::cout << "Person " << mostindex << " ate the most pancakes!\n";
//std::cout << "Person " << leastindex << " ate the least pancakes!";
return 0;