There are probably students who would appreciate the challenge and do it cheaply. Otherwise someone may write it for you but don't hold your breath... this forum is mainly designed to help others learn to code.
Thank you kemort but the problem I currently have is a lack of time otherwise I would have started to learn how to program and try to write my first program!
Believe me once you get the computer to say 'Hello, world!' and you've done it with C++ time priorities might change for you and think of all the money you'll save. BTW it sounds like you are processing boxing matches.
PS all you have to do is click on the wheel top RH corner of purple code block.
Most of the time the sample programs are enough to get started if you read/use them critically.
Beyond that, who knows? Most beginners as formal students get by with one semester at a couple of hours a week. There are books around, Learn C++ in 24 hours. If you follow that idea you've now got about 13 hours left.
The tutorial doesn't seem to be very difficult but I believe you've been very optimistic.
I'm not a genius and I believe I will need a lot of time before my program run!
I learnt that I'll need to use arrays & variables to store the results of arithmetic operations, then sort them (how???), syntax is really weird!!!
I'm afraid I need to find another solution, I'm not on holidays and unfortunalely haven't got enough time to spend on this, thank you.