Below is a function from chapter 13.5, compiles and works fine. I cant understand how or why it works. My confusion comes with the switch statement case labels.
we don’t have any (? _ @) symbols in our (###) ###-#### template so how came we expect our template’s indexes will match with those symbols?
// Step through the user input to see if it matches
for (unsigned int nIndex=0; nIndex < strTemplate.length(); nIndex++)
switch (strTemplate[nIndex])
case '#': // match a digit
if (!isdigit(strUserInput[nIndex]))
return false;
case '_': // match a whitespace
if (!isspace(strUserInput[nIndex]))
return false;
case '@': // match a letter
if (!isalpha(strUserInput[nIndex]))
return false;
case '?': // match anything
default: // match the exact character
if (strUserInput[nIndex] != strTemplate[nIndex])
return false;
return true;
int main()
string strValue;
while (1)
cout << "Enter a phone number (###) ###-####: ";
getline(cin, strValue); // get the entire line, including spaces
if (InputMatches(strValue, "(###) ###-####"))