In that case TIM shouldn't it be #include<cuerda> ?
Ha ha, I don't know. Whatever squeals one's wheels :+) I am sure the OP knows what language the header files use for their names. If I had to guess, I would have thought that header file names are in English; variables, functions and comments can be in whatever language one likes. But there is always potential for me to be burnt by "I knew that I thought, and I thought that I knew" type statements :+D
> Don't loop on end of file, just loop on the name of the file stream.
Loop on the reading operation. while( getline(in,text) )
The problem with the .eof() (and TheIdeasMan's solution) is that the last reading was not good, but you operate on the string regardless.
Utiliza como condición la operación de lectura.
El problema con .eof() (y con la solución de TheIdeasMan) es que la última lectura falla, pero de todas formas operas en esa cadena de caracteres.
> can you use Google translate?
If the destination language is unknown, you ought to include the original text too.
Si no conoces el idioma de destino, incluye además el texto original.