Arrays start at index 0, and go up to index SIZE-1. Meaning, if you declare an array of size 5, the indices of that array go from 0 to 4.
There are two mistakes in your for-loop:
(1) You are starting at 1, and therefore completely skipping over grades[0]
(2) You loop up to and including 5, and are therefore trying to access grades[5] which I already explained does NOT exist. It is out of the bounds of the array.
Your for-loop should look like this:
1 2 3 4
for (int g = 0; g < 5; g++) {
cout << grades[g] << endl;
Notice that it starts at g=0, and goes up to g<5 i.e. it will stop at g=4.
This will print the entire array from grades[0] to grades[4].