Help with my program homework

I have no idea how write this code. anyone can help me?

Write a program that uses stacks to evaluate an arithmetic expression.

The program takes as input a numeric expression, such as 3+4*2, and outputs the result.

1) Operators are +, -, *, /
2) Assume that the expression is formed correctly so that each operation has two arguments.
3) The expression can have parenthesis, for example: 3*(4-2)+6.
4) The expression can have negative numbers.
5) The expression can have spaces in it, for example: 3 * (4-2) +6 .

Here are some useful method that you may need:

char cin.peek(); -- returns the next character of the cin input stream ( without reading it)
bool isdigit(char c); -- returns true if c is one of the digits ‘0’ through ‘9’, false otherwise
cin.ignore(); -- reads and discards the next character from the cin input stream
cin.get(char &c); -- reads a character in c ( could be a space or the new line )
can you post some code, things you have attempted? You can get lots of help here, but not when you are just copy pasting your assignment instructions.
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