theres also a language reference on the msdn accessed from help. But I took a look at the cplusplus reference and the syntax and reference material is really good.
c_str is a string function used to split a string array onto multiple lines.
Umm.. no. I don't know where you got that or why you think that, but that's not true at all.
c_str gives you a pointer to the string data. This is necessary for some functions which take constchar* for parameters and not strings.
For example, the ifstream class. If you want to open a file:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
ifstream myfile("myfile.txt");
// but what if you have a string:
string filename = "myfile.txt";
ifstream foo( filename ); // ERROR - doesn't work because
// ifstream takes a const char*, not a string
// therefore you do this instead:
ifstream foo( filename.c_str() );
I'm 99% sure this is off some homework assignment, we've had three topics + more if I'm not mistaken almost identical to this.
I will note however that bFound is not related to C++ in anyway. It does however use a name scheme. The prefix of the word Found is b, which more often than not, means that the data type of a variable that contains the prefix is a boolean. "Found", more often than not, means you've found something that you've been iterating for but it could mean a number of other things so there is no way to tell.
Please note: Refrain from posting homework assignments unless something does not make sense. If the answer is easily findable, most of us will refrain from helping you. We are here to help you with a problem, not solve the problem for you necessarily. The only reason I posted about bFound was simply because I felt it's not something that can always easily relate to C++. Although I might be wrong since this was probably in your curriculum.