Switch inside while = infinite loop
May 16, 2016 at 8:06pm UTC
I'm making a mini dungeon game where you fight a monster till his health goes down to 0.
You have the option to choose if you wanna attack or dodge. if you attack you take 20 points of monster health. I use a switch to choose the option, and I want to make that switch appear till the monster hp doesn't goes down to 0.
So I'm using a While, but what happens is that the while makes his health go down till 0 without asking if the player wanna attack or dodge.
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#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class player_1
public :
int health = 100;
int power = 20;
void attack()
cout << "Atacking!\n" ;
class Urg
public :
int health = 80;
int power = 20;
void stats()
cout << "Your enemy is monster kind! His name is Urg!\n\n" ;
cout << "Stats of Urg:\n" <<health<<" of health\n" <<power<<" of power\n\n" ;
int main()
char y_n;
char name_1[20];
int attack_menu = 0;
Urg u1;
player_1 j1;
//Menu 1
cout << "\t\t\tWelcome to Dungeon V1!\n\n" ;
cout << "You wanna start the game? [y]/[n]: " ;
cin >> y_n;
if (y_n == 'y' )
//Player name
cout << "Write down your name: " ;
cin >> name_1;
cout << "Welcome " << name_1 << ", lets start!\n\n" ;
else return 0;
//Menu 1 end
cout << "Lets fight against your first enemy!\n" ;
//Stats of Urg
cout << endl;
cout << "Choose if you wanna attack or dodge: \n" ;
cout << "1. Attack\n2. Dodge\n" ;
cin >> attack_menu;
while (u1.health > 0)
switch (attack_menu)
case 1:
u1.health = u1.health - j1.power;
cout << "\nYou did 20 damage to Urg.\nUrg attacked back!\n\n" ;
j1.health = j1.health - u1.power;
cout << "Life of Urg: " << u1.health << endl;
cout << "Life of " << name_1 << ": " << j1.health << endl;
break ;
case 2:
cout << "You dodged Urg attack!" ;
break ;
char f;
cin >> f;
return 0;
May 16, 2016 at 8:13pm UTC
If you choose dodge u1.health will always be > 0 and the while loop will never end.
May 16, 2016 at 8:41pm UTC
Thanks, I fixed it, my while wasn't well defined and in a wrong line.
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cout << "1. Attack\n2. Dodge\n" ;
while (u1.health >= 1)
cin >> attack_menu;
if (attack_menu != 1 && attack_menu != 2)
cout << "1. Attack\n2. Dodge\n" ;
switch (attack_menu)
case 1:
u1.health = u1.health - j1.power;
cout << "You did 20 damage to Urg.\nUrg attacked back!\n\n" ;
j1.health = j1.health - u1.power;
cout << "Life of Urg: " << u1.health << endl;
cout << "Life of " << name_1 << ": " << j1.health << endl;
break ;
case 2:
cout << "\nYou dodged Urg attack!\n\n" ;
break ;
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