Can anybody help me please?

Hello guys,
I am really sorry for disturbing you, and I really do not know how this forum works, but I need your help. I am working with some exercises but I can not understand one of them which is related with recursive functions. It is really hard for me, I have tried for hours... I wish I could post the question here, but everything is monitored by my school. Can you sent me a private form of communication because I really need your help and I would apppriciate it a lot. Thank you very much again.
This forum is meant for public help. I highly doubt your school monitors "everything". Surely you can ask questions about C++ recursive functions without the school jumping on your case. I imagine that your school would allow tutors in any subject, and this site could be a tutor for you if you ask some questions.
This exercise is from homework and last semester students that caught cheating were given 0 points this is why I am afraid if I paste the exercise here
I think I know what you mean, Blenda. My professor had a similar policy (In my case, it was not the school, but the instructor that mandated that students are not to ask on a public forum for assistance with any programming assignment and if students need assistance, they are to consult with the instructor ONLY). It's a lot of pain if a professor sets a strict policy like that but rarely responds to e-mails or offer assistance on campus.

It'd be wise to avoid asking direct homework questions on this forum. However, you can still ask questions on general C++ topic.

For example, let's say that my assignment is to work with an array. I might not be able to copy the question or the code from my instructor's assignment page. But, I can provide my own example code dealing with an array and ask why certain lines are generating error messages or how to manipulate 2D array in certain ways. Once I figure out how array works, I can apply that knowledge to my school assignment. As long as that example can't be traced back to my own assignment, the instructor shouldn't be able to consider it as cheating.
@ OP

Without knowing specifics, take a look at the link below:

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