Straight forward program vs void functions

Is it better to write a code (approx 200lines) in one go or in like 4-5 void functions? Why? In what situation would it be the opposite?
If you are talking about writing a great big function (like main()) that does everything versus breaking it up into smaller functions...

You should always take the time to carefully craft a correct solution -- and in my (not so humble) opinion, there is never a need for giant functions.

That said, the ability to craft good solutions is an acquired skill. There is nothing wrong with creating something of a playground function to understand the needs of the code better, and then rewriting it to something better organized.
That said, the ability to craft good solutions is an acquired skill. There is nothing wrong with creating something of a playground function to understand the needs of the code better, and then rewriting it to something better organized

Not to hijack the thread, but this triggered a question of my own. When I have to write a complex class, I usually write my code WITHOUT classes first. Then change it so it works with classes and objects. Is that weird? I just feel its easier to write the code without classes first, as writing a complex class from scratch seems daunting and intricate. Then when I have my entire code written, I simply make the necessary changes to turn it into a class-based program.

Anybody else do this? Is this a bad practice?
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Consider that you are writing a book: would you write the whole thing with 1 giant chapter? If you did have chapters, would you write them with one paragraph? And the paragraphs with one giant sentence?

Chapters, paragraphs and sentences are a kind of Divide & Conquer approach, and a type of abstraction: this in turn aids understanding. One should do the same for coding. Understanding is important for design, implementation, and later maintenance of the code: you are not the only one reading or working on the code.

Other things to aid understanding include good meaningful function and variable names. The code should ideally read like a story of what is happening. This can make it self documenting, and comments can be used for other things like the expected range of valid values for a variable, say. Here is a comical reply to one of Duoas' topics awhile back :+)

I have that link bookmarked, and have used it a number of times - credit to Norm Gunderson for writing it :+)

As for how many LOC should be in a function: some give a rough guide of 40 LOC per function, some say even less. As Duoas says, there is some skill in making a good solution. Candidates for code that could go into a function might include the body of loops or if statements, or rather any compound (block) statement. That is: code between braces {} . I like to have switch statement cases call a function. More obviously is code that might otherwise be repeated.

Sometimes it is worth it to put just a few lines into a function. A great example is a swap function: even if it is only called once, it helps understanding.

Good Luck !!
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