Help Debugging my Program! Using Functions

So basically I am writing a program that is used to return the current amount in a bank account. The amount in the account defaults to zero. The user inputs whether it is a deposit or withdrawl, and also how much they are depositing or withdrawing. It works when I am using a deposit, but when I denote I am with drawing money it doesn't return a negative number like I am wanting it to. What do I need to change?

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int update_balance (int& dollars, int& balance, string& command)
if (command=="deposit")
balance = balance + dollars;
else if (command=="withdraw")
balance = balance - dollars;
return balance;

int main()
//the amount of money in your account
int balance = 0;

// Command that will tell your function what to do
string command;
cin >> command;

// number of dollars you would like to deposit or withdraw
int dollars = 0;
cin >> dollars;

balance = update_balance(balance, dollars, command);

// Prints out the balance
cout << balance << endl;

return 0;
The problem is that you pass dollars and balance swapped:

int update_balance (int& dollars, int& balance, string& command)
balance = update_balance(balance, dollars, command);
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