Moving a character down the screen

I am a beginner currently enrolled in a high school programming class. For a final project, I chose to make a guitar hero-like game. At this point, I'm simply trying to get a character to "move" down one column every 21 milliseconds (I understand how to use the sleep() function so the time element is not a problem) without needing a prompt to do so each time. I have tried to do this using loops but have not achieved much success. I also want to make sure that I could have multiple characters "moving" downwards at the same time. How would I go about coding this?
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With the stadard library you cannot achieve this. So either you platform dependent functions or ncurses/pdcurses
I've seen a video of a guy making a simplistic snake game.... I'm quite bad at programming myself but maybe you can spot the things you need :) 3 parts total
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