Why won't this code work? Help find what I did wrong please!

I am supposed to make a function that can do the following:

function: bool subsequence(const string a1[], int n1, const string a2[], int n2)

If all n2 elements of a2 appear in a1, in the same order (though not necessarily consecutively), then return true. Return false if a1 does not contain a2 as a subsequence. (Of course, the empty sequence is a subsequence of any sequence.) Return false if this function is passed any bad arguments.

Here is what I tried and I have no idea why it won't work. Any help is appreciated!

bool subsequence(const string a1[], int n1, const string a2[], int n2)
if (n1 < 0 || n2 < 0 || n2 > n1) {
return false;

else if (n2 == 0) {
return true;

for (int i = 0; i < n1; i++) {
if (a1[i] == a2[0])
int j = 0;
for (int k = 0; k + i < n1; k++)
if (a1[i + k] == a2[j])
if (j = n2)
return true;
return false;
> if (j = n2)
= is assignment
== is comparison

¿what's the point of the outer loop?
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