guide me

hi guys, ive been writing a pong game for 2 weeks, but i already gave up on it because i cant, i already read multiple thread for my problem but i cant still finish the pong game

should i continue my path for developing games?
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I'm not an expert or anything, but what I suggest (and what I would do) is that you can put aside the pong game for now and work on something else, something not so difficult (or at lease you think you can achieve). Though doing more projects you'll learn more, and eventually one day, when you feel like it you can go back to the pong game, and at that point you'll (hopefully) find the problem very easy to solve.
what else would be easier than pong?
i already made few windows desktop apps, but i really want to write games.
Pong is not sooo easy. You need a paddle , a ball, a loop where you move the ball, handle the keyboard, check collisions. You also need some logic to control the computer paddle.

Do you want a console app or a GUI?

Many years ago I wrote a Pong game for Windows. If you send me a PM with an email address I can email you all the files.

If you want to write programs for windows I found this book quite useful:
i already did it all, the only thing left is the physics for ball movement when hit to the paddle.

i already read multiple thread but i dont really understand them.
When the ball hits the paddle you need to reverse the vertical speed of the ball. You also might consider to change the horizontal speed of the ball depending on the area where it hits the paddle.
thats the same from the multiple threads i read, i did them all but cannot achieve it. now im reading "Beginning math and physics for game programmers"
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