Wich is easier

Hello what you think witch language is easer for a 15 yo boy.
C++ or Java
I love creating games but if i start learn i dont want to learn the language just for games i want to use it also for programs.
Give me what you think
closed account (1vD3vCM9)
Java ( Is Easier ), as it's a high level.
HOWEVER, Easier != Better.
You should choose C++, from my opinion.
I'm 15 right now and I started when I was 13/14, learning C++ and mastering it ( which won't happend for some years ) is super useful if you want to be a good programmer.

Think about it this way:
Java is an high level language, meaning you don't have to deal with all the low level stuff ( I may be wrong. )
C++ is an low level language, meaning that it's harder, and you will learn memory managment, and more.

I recommend C++ to you, if you want to be a good programmer.

Making games in C++ is very hard, however with practice you will get there.
First you must learn the basics, and after a year or so you should move to:
1. Make your own basic game engine
2. Use an existing one
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* Both languages are general purpose.
* It's difficult to say which is easier. The worst Java bugs tend to be less serious than the worst C++ bugs, but in recent years C++ has been accumulating a few modern features that make it more expressive than Java.
* C++ programs tend to need less system resources to accomplish a given task than Java programs.
* C++ programs can interface directly with both C and C++ libraries without an interop layer, so C++ has a larger selection of libraries.
i have learn the basic of C++ now i was think to "2.Use an existing one" game but i dont know what to use.
Can you tell mee what game to use ?
closed account (1vD3vCM9)
You mean what game ENGINE to use.
A simple Google search will find you some "C++ game engines"
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