What should i do next?

I just finished a course in c++ at my local college and I don't know what to build. I did very well in the class and have made a simple tic tac toe game, rosters of my favorite sports teams, simple atm machines, etc. But I'm starting to get bored with all that now. I feel like I have all the basics down including some basic OOP. I just don't know where to go from here.

That depends on your interests. You should definitely learn using extern libraries like boost ( http://www.boost.org/ ).

Another step could creating a gui for this: QT ( http://www.qt.io/ ) or wxWidgets ( http://www.wxwidgets.org/ ) and there are more you might want to explore.

Networking: A simple chat program using boost or POCO ( http://pocoproject.org/ ).

You can create web pages with Wt ( https://www.webtoolkit.eu/wt ) or other.
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