Hi, as you can see on my profile i am 14 Year's old, its okay to learn c++ in free time? I really like it and i want to know if its good for future to start learning from that age. Thanks in advance, please don't laugh about my year's, im serious about learning c++, i started out like 3 month's ago.
My plan to learn c++:
1)Founding an idea (Mine its different everytime)
2)Solve the idea in c++ (I not quit unit the idea its done)
3)Try to understand what the new line's do,
Also, you can recommande me a c++ book or site to learn it better?
Thanks in advance again.
Your age is irrelevant. In other words, you could have said 30, 50, 20, 10 years old and my answer to your question, "its okay to learn c++ in free time?" is Yes, it is ok. The earlier the better.
"Also, you can recommande me a c++ book or site to learn it better?" Take a look at this link : http://www.cplusplus.com/search.do?q=books
And just like human language, the key to learn any programming language is practice, practice and practice. Good luck!