Hi, I have an assignment to do. I do not really understand programming.
The Task is to create a program that uses a Menu's to play a Major, Minor, and Chromatic Scale.
With the start note, length of notes, ascending or descending, etc.
In Menu 1, the user should be able to enter the data to play the scale, and save it for later use, and then return to the menu.
In Menu 2, the user should be able to I guess import the file they wish to play, and then return to the menu.
Menu 3, should exit the program.
I am going to be tested on Use of Functions, Loops, Arrays/Vectors and Classes.
I suggest to keep practicing, because it is not going to be easier. Let us know what work have you done. Good luck!
P.S. I do not condone it, but I do not judge either. You can place your homework under the jobs section to see if anyone would do it for a monetary fee.
I understand what you mean. Have you coded anything on this exercise?
It is hard to help when the problem is not specific. Take a look at the tutorial in the link above and do some practice. Some youtube videos are good on explaining certain things.Dont just read it, you got to do some practice exercises first. As you progress thru the course, it will not be easy. However, with practice you will get better.It is like learning another human language, you have to practice to improve it. Good luck!
This is what I have so far.
Basically, I'm looking to link the menu option so that when the person choose's 1,2 or 3.
It plays either a major, minor or chromatic scale.
So far I can make it play the major scale, but the problem is it isn't linked to me choosing number 1.
If I find out how to link the major scale to the menu I can work on linking the minor and chromatic scales.
At least I have some sound now, before I had nothing.
Any help would be appreciated, code is below:
int main()
int Scale;
cout << "Welcome\n" << endl;
cout << "For major scale press 1\n" << endl;
cout << "For minor scale press 2\n" << endl;
cout << "For chrom scale press 3\n" << endl;
cout << "Please Enter the scale you'd like to play: " << endl;
cin >> Scale;
CMidiAudio midi;
// Play C Note
midi.sendMidiMessage(0x90, 60, 0x7f); // send note on
midi.pause(500); // pause in milliseconds
midi.sendMidiMessage(0x80, 60, 0x7f); // send note off
// Play D Note
midi.sendMidiMessage(0x90, 62, 0x7f);
midi.sendMidiMessage(0x80, 62, 0x7f);
// Play E Note
midi.sendMidiMessage(0x90, 64, 0x7f);
midi.sendMidiMessage(0x80, 64, 0x7f);
// Play F Note
midi.sendMidiMessage(0x90, 65, 0x7f);
midi.sendMidiMessage(0x80, 65, 0x7f);
// Play G Note
midi.sendMidiMessage(0x90, 67, 0x7f);
midi.sendMidiMessage(0x80, 67, 0x7f);
// Play A Note
midi.sendMidiMessage(0x90, 69, 0x7f);
midi.sendMidiMessage(0x80, 69, 0x7f);
// Play B Note
midi.sendMidiMessage(0x90, 70, 0x7f);
midi.sendMidiMessage(0x80, 70, 0x7f);