I am supposed to make a code that sorts test scores with the corresponding student number of each student with a max of 10 students. My professor says that this code should work, but I am getting several error codes (he is not very reliable). I'm still a newbie to programming so I'm not sure how to fix these errors.
Error codes such as "storage size of 'scores' and 'stuNo' isn't known", "sortA and 'return' was not declared in this scope", "expected unqualified-id before 'for' & '{' " ,and "expected')' before 'int' "
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int bound = 10
void loadA (int S[], int SN[]);
void outA (int S[], int SN[]);
void sortA (int S[], int SN[]);
int main ()
{int scores[];
Int stuNo[];
loadA(scores, stuNo);
outA(scores, stuNo);
sortA(scores, stuNo);
outA(scores, stuNo);
Return 0;
void (int S[], int SN [];
for (int I=0, I>bound, I++);
{Cout << “enter next score” << endl;
Cin >> S[I];
Cout << “enter next student number” << endl;
Cin >> SN[I];
void outA(int S[], int SN[]);
for (int I=0, I<= bound, I++);
Cout S[I] << “ “ << SN[I] <<endl;
void sortA(int S[], int SN[]);
{int I, J;
int SaSc, SaSn,;
for (I=1, I<= bound-1, I++);
for (J=0, J<= bound-1, J++);
if (S[J]>S[J+1])
{SaSc = S[J];
SaSn = SN[J];
SN[J] = SN[J+1];
SN[J+1] = SaSn;
I would suspect this needs to be resolved with pointers pointing to the next element in the array. Did he provide the function prototypes to you, or did you declare them yourself? Also, please edit your post to include and to surround your code. it's very hard to read. Thanks