Stuck with c++ help


I'm Martin

I have a little trouble learning c++.

I have done some basic console programs and have basic understanding of pointers,
variables,classes,functions... basically the core of c++.

I'm starting to understand how c++ programming works but have trouble picking up some better topics that would get me from point NOOB to point getting hang of it.

I have book called C++ primer 5th edition and there are lots of things but don't
really know what to stuff my nose in.

I used to do bit of Java but I just don't like it, c++ looks more sexy to me.

Once I would like to make a Game/Game Engine.I know it will take some time but
I don't want to rush with anything.I am working with Unity using c# so until then I'm safe.

So what I want from you is to Guide me to what topics should I pick along the way, what should I understand before I can make something decent and how to practice. Personally I would like to go cross platform because I like Linux but I understand people don't use Linux very often.

I'm sorry if you have trouble understanding my English isn't my 1st language.
Hello, I had the same problem when I started programming C, C++ and C#, If I was you I would've learnt, File managment, String managment, Variable managment and or Socket managment, these may be big steps but you need to put the time in it, if your not ready to do that, you should'nt worry to much about it, Just read the basics Multiple times.

-Dash (Princess Code)

I hope I helped you a little.
thank you it is helpful. I have no problem spending time learning something ne w.

would you recommend some sources/books
and would you recommend some technics or order that I should follow to achieve the desired goal.
I'm currently using a very efficient textbook that is very easy to understand. Since I couldn't afford the book for my class, my friend lent me this other textbook that got me back on track in class awfully well.

The good thing about this book is it somewhat follows the scheme of lessons in my class. It progresses from basic code to intermediate. Have a look at it:

"Starting Out with C++ : From Control Structures Through Objects, Brief Edition" (7th Ed.) - Tony Gaddis

It's fairly cheap for a huge book, and has a lot of helpful content.

I hope that helps!
When I started learning C++, which is about 2 years ago, I didn't buy any proper books but I was going to consider it. I went on to follow some video tutorials because I wasn't very good at learning it reading it in a book or on a screen. I personally like somebody to do it practically and talk me through it and that's what these tutorials did.

After following those, I practised a lot using the console until I got bored of it and moved onto more visual topics like making GUIs. I started to learn Win32 programming because at the time I was primarily using Windows, so it made sense. I continued to practice with that and playing around with classes and trying to make something similar of that of .NET in C++ where you can type the name of the object and then change the text simply like that.

After working a lot with Windows I began to hate it for various reasons I will not go into and eventually made the complete switch to Linux. With that transition I learned GTK GUI programming which is cross-platform even though primarily for Linux. That way, all my new projects would be cross-platform compatible if I didn't use any other platform-independent code or libraries. Today, I am a cross-platform person despite mainly only using Linux.

Recently, I've taken my learning further and started to learn graphical programming which I am still learning at the moment. It is another challenge for me to hurdle and clamber out of.

I may have written a long story there but even if you don't take anything from it I felt like sharing it. If you keep pushing yourself to learn something new you'll finally get to achieve your goals. And even after that you should continue to push yourself.

Peace out.
Thank you all its very helpful though I love to watch tutorials and pay more attention to them. I just cant find any that go deeper in the language that is why
I decided to rather buy book then pay like billions for online course which I dont have money for but thanks again.
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