[Not Code] A novice-ish Java programmer transitioning to C++

Note: My question might seem unorganized because of how hectic I am when thinking about this, but I promise to do my best to remove any ambiguities, and to make my question(s) as direct as possible.

Background: Long story short, I've wanted to be a game developer since I first played Jazz Jackrabbit 2 and Claw (and many more games since then), but my country (Egypt) does not have universities that specifically teach some form of game development, so I am currently majored in Computer Science, which (thankfully) I turned out to like quite a bit; I learned (and applied) a fairly large amount of Java throughout my past 2 years (as well as learning a decent amount of other languages such as C, JavaScript, or Haskell, etc.). I finally decided to start making headway as a game developer; and after quite a hefty bit of research, I found lots of people recommending the C++ as the go-to language for 'hardcore' game development; and I decided not to use IDEs (as I did not like the constrictions of software such as VStudio), and instead am using GNU, atom.io, and makefiles.

Background 2: Currently, I seem to be at a roadblock, both as learner-of-C++ and as a developer; I never got towards the absolute top-tier java development (I got as far as threads, and then some, and worked on some relatively 'big' projects), but I don't seem to even be approaching that in C++. My very first time learning C++ was through here (http://www.learncpp.com/, did it in VStudio before transitioning to makefiles), and it was pretty good until I finished it - then I was left with a big 'what now?', and now I keep looking at tutorials that start off where I don't need and finish off way before I've gained anything new, and I have about 30+ tabs about C++ (and more about coding generally) open, and I just can't seem to figure out what to do (I would probably attribute this to mostly getting as far as I got in Java due to a pretty hefty amount of coursework).

Questions: Should I learn C before 'going further' into C++ as some people seem to suggest? Should I just keep grinding it out in C++? How would one 'grind it out' (solo) in C++? When should I start writing game code? Should I start with libraries or no libraries? Just generally, how do I proceed from this point?

Again, apologies if this seems a bit long or hectic.
you want to be a game developer start making a game.
something simple like snake , black jack, tic tac toe.

you will definitely encounter a lot of problems.
have a really good grasp of pointers.
learn STL.

you will eventually be able to build up your library by refactoring your code. normally if you see that your repeating code. refactor.

I recommend you read up on design patterns. or watch this guy's videos

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