Create event calendar with Time, Event, and Month classes.?

Class Time – starting time of single event using: hour, minute and am/pm indicator.

Class Event – description of event and time object associated with starting time.

Class Month – name of the month, number of days in month, and array capable of tracking 31 days of events, with max 1 event per day. Each array element represents day of the month and will be capable of pointing to a dynamically allocated Event object. For example, Event* events[31]. Include destructor that deletes each Event object in existence.

Program Menu:

Event Calendar for the March
1. Create a new event.
2. Delete an existing event.
3. Display event for a particular day.
4. Display all events.

Option 1 – Prompts the user for the day of the event, the time of event and description. Month object is asked (by main) to create an event for that day. If there is not currently an event associated with that day, the Month object will dynamically create a new Event object and assign its address to the appropriate array location. As in
events[day] = new Event(constructor arguments go here);

Option 2 – The program prompts the user for the day. The Month object is then asked to delete the event for that day.

Option 3 – The program prompts the user for the day. The Month object is then asked to display all information associated with that day’s event.

Option 4 – The Month object is asked to display all information associated with every Event object in the month.

Please provide code to help me get started. I am currently stuck on the Month class and cannot move forward.
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