Input and output file

Basically, my program will open the file "word.dat" and it will count and remove all the vowel to store it into another file called "text.out". However, I cannot seem to make it work because when I run the program it will only output the last sentence of "word.dat". Also, is it possible to show how many sentence it contains in the file? Any help or tips are appreciate, thank you in advance.

#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
ifstream file;"word.dat");

if (!File)
cout << "Unable to open file!" << endl;
return 0;

string sentence;

while (File >> sentence);
string newstring;
int j, a = 0, e = 0, i = 0, o = 0, u = 0;

for (j = 0; j < sentence.length(); j++)
if (sentence[j] == 'a' || sentence[j] == 'A')
else if (sentence[j] == 'e' || sentence[j] == 'E')
else if (sentence[j] == 'i' || sentence[j] == 'I')
else if (sentence[j] == 'o' || sentence[j] == 'O')
else if (sentence[j] == 'u' || sentence[j] == 'U')
else (newstring += sentence[j]);


ofstream outfile;;

outFile << "\nThe sentence *" << sentence << "* with vowel removed is : " << newstring;


cout << "\nthe number of vowel removed are : " << endl << " a :" << a << endl << " e :"
<< e << endl << " i :" << i << endl << " o :" << o << endl << " u :" << u << "\n" << endl;


return 0;
> while (File >> sentence);
note the semicolon at the end, that's the body of the loop.
your loop will do no operation as it keeps reading from the file.
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