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Lab: 6
Date March 8, 2016
Purpose: To create a payment schedule each month. Also find out the payment needed each month
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
//Function InputData, Calculations, Output heading, output calculations
void inputData(double&, double&, double&, ofstream&);
double calcData(double&, double&, double&, double&, ifstream&);
void outputTHead(double, double, double, ofstream&);
void sigNature(ofstream&);
void calcdataOutput(double&, double&, double&, double&, ifstream&);
int main()
//Declare the variables to be input
double ccBal, intRate, percentMP;
//Declare variables to be calculated
double intperM, sumintPaid, minimum, updateBal;
//Create an ofstream to output data to ("lab6.txt")
ofstream outputFile;
//CallInputData to Input Test Data (624, 24, 4)
inputData(ccBal, intRate, percentMP, outputFile);
//Now open the data that was output to lab6.txt and to be used to calculate
ifstream inputFile;
string data;
cout << "Now opening Lab6.txt and reading data from it" << endl;
//If the file can't open send error
if (inputFile.fail())
cout << "Error opening file.";
//Call calcData to calculate the interestpermonth, interest paid, amount of payment due next month, and to update bal
calcData(updateBal, intperM, minimum, sumintPaid, inputFile);
//Call the function that output the table heading
outputTHead(ccBal, intRate, percentMP, outputFile);
//Call the function that outputs the calculation
calcdataOutput(updateBal, intperM, minimum, sumintPaid, inputFile);
//Call signature
void inputData(double& creditbal, double& interate, double& minimumpay, ofstream& outputFile)
//Ask for the input of credit balance, interest rate, and the minimumpay
cout << "What is your credit balance? ";
cin >> creditbal;
cout << "What is interest rate? ";
cin >> interate;
cout << "What is your minimum payment? ";
cin >> minimumpay;
//Output the Data into outputfile text called "Lab 6.txt"
outputFile << creditbal << endl;
outputFile << interate << endl;
outputFile << minimumpay << endl;
//Tell the user the data has been output in a text filed called "Lab 6.txt"
cout << "The data has been output into a text file called Lab 6.txt" << endl;
//Close the file
double calcData(double& updateBal, double& intperM, double& minimum, double& sumintPaid, ifstream& inputFile)
double credBal, APR, minPayPercent;
//Read the file
inputFile >> credBal;
inputFile >> APR;
inputFile >> minPayPercent;
//Change APR and minpaypercent into decimals and variable for balance and interest combined
double decAPR, minPayPercDec, balintComb, divideAPRyear;
divideAPRyear = APR / 12;
decAPR = divideAPRyear / 100;
minPayPercDec = minPayPercent / 100;
//Calculate for Bal, interestpermonth, minimum, and sum interest paid
intperM = credBal * decAPR;
balintComb = (credBal + intperM);
minimum = balintComb * minPayPercDec;
updateBal = balintComb - minimum;
sumintPaid = intperM;
return minimum;
void outputTHead(double balOwe, double APRaspercent, double percentminPay, ofstream& outputFile)
outputFile << "Balance Owing: $" << balOwe << endl;
outputFile << "APR as % " << APRaspercent << endl;
outputFile << "Percent for minimum payment as % " << percentminPay << endl;
void calcdataOutput(double& updateBal, double& intperM, double& minimum, double& sumintPaid, ifstream& inputFile)
for (double month = 0; updateBal > 0; month++)
cout << month << "\t" << updateBal << "\t" << intperM << "\t" << minimum << "\t" << sumintPaid << "\n";
calcData(updateBal, intperM, minimum, sumintPaid, inputFile);
void sigNature(ofstream& outputFile)
outputFile << "\n\nCreated by" << endl;
outputFile << "Date: March 9, 2016" << endl;
outputFile << "Teacher:" << endl;