class name into char


I don't think i know enough C++ to solve the following problem:
I call a class:
States eiStates(coef1,space);
this class outputs into a txt file.
is there anyway for that file to have the same name as the class + ".dat" extension: "eiStates.dat"?
so this class will output eiStates.dat
and after i call another class
States uStates(coef2,space);
i would like that class to automatically output uStates.dat

thanks you,
No, you have to pass the name of the txt file explicitly, which might happen to be the same as your variable's name.
If I understand OP correctly.... you want to have the name of the object not the name of the class.


MyClass foo;
// you want "foo.dat"
//   not "MyClass.dat" 

In which case, R0mai is correct. There's no way to get the name of the variable at runtime because variable names don't exist at runtime -- they're just there to make writing code easier, but they typically don't exist in the executable (except for debugging purposes, but nevermind that).

The only solution I see to this problem is to record the name of the object in the object itself:

Sates eiStates(coef1,space,"eiStates.dat");  // note 3rd param 
You can use the preprocessor for this:
#define GetName(var) std::string(#var)
States eiStates(coef1,space);
fstream file ( GetName(eiStates)+".dat" );
Is putting the variable in a macro really any easier than just putting it in quotes?

Besides... I just assumed he wouldn't have the name of the variable at the time (like he's doing it via pointer/reference in another function or something).
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