I kno only the bare C base of c++, and could like to learn C++11 as a fresh start.I hav searched the net,and hav seen quite some posts in stackexchange and in cplusplus.com(here) recommending to buy C++ Primer 5th edition.
But the problem is tht I live in India and currently no online marketplace has an Indian version of tht book( for imported its like INR 4000, pls im a student).
So I was thinkingif I should follow the Professional C++ 2nd Edition,even if its not there in *tht stackexchange list( i cant link now).
Any comments guys???
Actually the problem is tht i cant find tht book in any online store( even amazon).
I do hav a pdf version of the Primer, but it is a PIA to read from.
I could like your views on the other book,is it a run of the mill book or should i give it a try??