How to print in c++

I have been searching around on the web for a long time and can't find out how to print using c++. Although there are some pages explaining how to do this, but they are complex, a lot of them using graphics. I just wan't to print plain text. As i'm writing a cash regiter program and want to be able to print reciepts.
please note im not printing to lpt this is a network printer
ahh pretty cool... can you print the code?

I would love to see your work, and help you, maybe.
do you have a solution? and my code, ive only just started writing it today
no, i'm too much of a beginner. This question might be for the more advanced parts of this site. This seems like a intermediate question.

And I just want to see the code to learn from it.

So, if you can post the end result, that would be nice.
ive posted it in another forum section, and if you do happen to find something let me know
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