Need help with switch

So I'm trying to write a program that will determine how much someone has for a phone bill for a project for my C++ class and I cannot for the life of me figure out what is wrong with my last switch statement. Can somebody help me please?

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

int main()
int accoutnnumber = 0 ;
char servicetype ;

cout << "Please enter your account number." ;
cin >> accoutnnumber ;

cout << "please enter the type of service you have. Either 'R' for regular service or 'P' for premium service." ;
cin >> servicetype ;

if (servicetype == 'R' || servicetype == 'r' || servicetype == 'P' || servicetype == 'p')


cout << "Please enter a valid account types." ;
return 0 ;

if (servicetype = 'r')
servicetype = 'R' ;

if (servicetype = 'p')
servicetype = 'P' ;

switch (servicetype)
case 'R' :
const double cost = 6 ;
const double addcost = .2 ;
const int minutes = 50 ;
double addminutes = 0 ;
int minutesused = 0 ;
int totalminutes = 0 ;
double extracost = 0 ;
double totalcost = 0 ;

cout << "Please enter the number of minutes used." << endl ;
cin >> minutesused ;

if (minutes - minutesused >= 0)
totalminutes = minutes - minutesused ;

cout << "Your account number is " << accoutnnumber << "." << endl;
cout << "You have a regular user acount." << endl;
cout << "You have used " << totalminutes << " minutes." << endl;
cout << "Your amount due is $6.00" << endl ;


addminutes = minutesused - minutes ;
totalminutes = minutes + addminutes ;
extracost = addminutes * addcost ;
totalcost = cost + extracost ;

cout << "Your account number is " << accoutnnumber << "." << endl;
cout << "You have a regular user acount." << endl;
cout << "You have used " << totalminutes << " minutes." << endl;
cout << "Your amount due is " << setprecision(2) << fixed << totalcost << endl ;
break ;

case 'P' :
const double cost = 15 ;
const double addcost = .1 ;
const double nightcost = .05 ;
const int minutes = 75 ;
const int nightminutes = 100 ;
double addminutes = 0 ;
double addnightminutes = 0 ;
double extracost = 0 ;
int totalminutes = 0 ;
double totalcost = 0 ;
char night ;
int minutesused = 0 ;
int nightminutesused = 0 ;
int totalnightminutes = 0 ;

cout << "Please enter the number of minutes used." << endl ;
cin >> minutesused ;
cout << "Were any night minutes used? Please enter 'Y' or 'N'." << endl ;
cin >> night ;

if (night = 'n')
night = 'N' ;

if (night = 'y')
night = 'Y' ;

switch (night)
case 'N' :

if (minutes - minutesused >= 0)
totalminutes = minutes - minutesused ;

cout << "Your account number is " << accoutnnumber << "." << endl;
cout << "You have a premium user acount." << endl;
cout << "You have used " << totalminutes << " minutes." << endl;
cout << "Your amount due is $15.00" << endl ;


addminutes = minutesused - minutes ;
totalminutes = minutes + addminutes ;
extracost = addminutes * addcost ;
totalcost = cost + extracost ;

cout << "Your account number is " << accoutnnumber << "." << endl;
cout << "You have a premium user acount." << endl;
cout << "You have used " << totalminutes << " minutes." << endl;
cout << "Your amount due is " << setprecision(2) << fixed << totalcost << endl ;
break ;
case 'Y' :
cout << "please enter the total number of night minutes used." ;
cin >> nightminutesused ;

if (minutes - minutesused >= 0 && nightminutes - nightminutesused >=0 )
totalminutes = minutes - minutesused ;
totalnightminutes = nightminutes - nightminutesused ;

cout << "Your account number is " << accoutnnumber << "." << endl;
cout << "You have a premium user acount." << endl;
cout << "You have used " << totalminutes << " minutes and "<< totalnightminutes << " night minutes." << endl;
cout << "Your amount due is $15.00" << endl ;

addminutes = minutesused - minutes ;
addnightminutes = nightminutesused - nightminutes ;
totalminutes = minutes + addminutes ;
totalnightminutes = nightminutes + addnightminutes ;
extracost = (addminutes * addcost) + (addnightminutes * nightcost) ;
totalcost = extracost + cost ;

cout << "Your account number is " << accoutnnumber << "." << endl;
cout << "You have a premium user acount." << endl;
cout << "You have used " << totalminutes << " minutes and "<< totalnightminutes << " night minutes." << endl;
cout << "Your amount due is " << setprecision(2) << fixed << totalcost << endl ;
break ;
break ;


return 0 ;
1) Please use code tags when posting code, to make it readable:

2) Why do you think there's something wrong with it? If there's a problem that you're seeing, then tell us what the problem is. Don't make us jump through hoops and have to guess.
indent your code and then you will see the problem.
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