I've being trying to convert 4 bytes into a float with no success.
The bytes are:
1: 205
2: 204
3: 204
4: 61
A formula for doing so would be great, I have to do this without declaring any float values, purely the formula which will result in the float.
I do not think posting my attempts will benefit this topic, I really have no idea how to do this, It seems extremely complicated all this mantissa kind of stuff.
I've not seen union before, this looks abit like a struct. Is there any difference between the two?
I do not see what sort of purpose initilizing 1 cell for variable c would have? why not just c without the 1 cell array? Same thing I think.
size_t i = 0
Why would you use size_t? Would it give the "i" a data type suitable for holding the bytesize for sata structure UStuff?