An idea

Hello everyone who's reading this!
I'm not sure if this is the right section but I don't think that the "Jobs" section would fit.

I'm a young hobby programmer and I had the idea to gather people who would like to join my project that I would like to do. I was planning to learn C++ from the basics to the details and program a nice 3D game. (I already have an idea) I posted this here because this is the beginner section and I am one. I would like to ask if there is any other beginner who would like to join me and learn it and then program the game as a team. I'm not sure yet what id do with the game except for playing it but that's a discussable subject which isn't that important yet.

I hope you guys are interested.

PS: ofc Id have no problem with experts in this project :D
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I suggest you do yourself a favour and start with a 2D game.
I made one with Java. Ik it's harder if I do 3D. But I think I can make it just need a few friends and helping hands. Doing things alone can be boring at some point which is my worst problem.
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