Can't figure out how to make this work.
Feb 21, 2016 at 3:26pm UTC
Hi! I recently made a tic-tac-toe program in C++, and I lately thought of more optimized ways to write it, but I can't get it to work as I intend it to, heres the part of the code that I want to change:
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// Prompt the player for a move
std::cout << "Player" << iPlayerTurn << "'s move:" << std::endl;
bool bValidMove;
// Loop until we get a valid move
do {
char cNextMove;
std::cin >> cNextMove;
bValidMove = true ;
// Check for a valid move
if (cNextMove == '1' && cSquare1 == '1' ) {
cSquare1 = cPlayerMark;
} else if (cNextMove == '2' && cSquare2 == '2' ) {
cSquare2 = cPlayerMark;
} else if (cNextMove == '3' && cSquare3 == '3' ) {
cSquare3 = cPlayerMark;
} else if (cNextMove == '4' && cSquare4 == '4' ) {
cSquare4 = cPlayerMark;
} else if (cNextMove == '5' && cSquare5 == '5' ) {
cSquare5 = cPlayerMark;
} else if (cNextMove == '6' && cSquare6 == '6' ) {
cSquare6 = cPlayerMark;
} else if (cNextMove == '7' && cSquare7 == '7' ) {
cSquare7 = cPlayerMark;
} else if (cNextMove == '8' && cSquare8 == '8' ) {
cSquare8 = cPlayerMark;
} else if (cNextMove == '9' && cSquare9 == '9' ) {
cSquare9 = cPlayerMark;
} else {
std::cout << "Invalid Move. Try again." << std::endl;
bValidMove = false ;
} while (!bValidMove);
Instead of this wall of code, I want to implement a "while" loop to do it instead. I hope you guys get what the jest of what I'm saying here.
Note that the code above was NOT written by me, the one I have written instead uses an array for the board. Thats the only difference.
Feb 21, 2016 at 9:02pm UTC
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// Prompt the player for a move
std::cout << "Player" << iPlayerTurn << "'s move:" << std::endl;
bool bValidMove;
// Loop until we get a valid move
do {
char cNextMove;
std::cin >> cNextMove;
bValidMove = true ;
if (cNextMove < '1' || cNextMove > '9' ) {
std::cout << "Invalid Move. Try again." << std::endl;
bValidMove = false ;
else if (cNextMove == cSquare[cNextMove - '1' ]) {
cSquare[cNextMove - '1' ] = cPlayerMark;
} while (!bValidMove);
Feb 22, 2016 at 1:23pm UTC
Thanks! I altered it a bit and got it to work!!
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char cNextMove;
std::cin >> cNextMove;
if (cNextMove < '1' || cNextMove > '9' )
std::cout << "Invalid Move, fool! Try again!" << std::endl;
bValidMove = false ;
else if (cNextMove == caBoard[cNextMove - '1' ] && caBoard[cNextMove - '1' ] != 'X' && caBoard[cNextMove - '1' ] != 'O' )
caBoard[cNextMove - '1' ] = cMarker;
bValidMove = true ;
std::cout << "Invalid Move, fool! Try again!" << std::endl;
bValidMove = false ;
} while (!bValidMove);
in case someone needs this.
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