Notes Dispenser pointers needed

Hi all, I have just started out in C++ am trying to write up a cash dispenser code upon entered amount(assuming it as whole numbers - 100, 220 etc..) and to list out the least number of bills, butthe machine only dispense 20 and 50 bills.

So far I am able to write my code by first dividing the entered amount by 50, then by 20 (amount reduction of the 50s)
However while doing so, I realize that should I entered in an amount, say 480, I will be getting 9 bills of 50 and a bill of 20 as my output (a missing 10 amount here), in which it should be 8 bills of 50 and 4 bills of 20.

I am somewhat lost and was wondering if anyone give me any pointers on how I should approach this?
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You need to do the 20's first

    while((dollar_amount % 50) != 0 )
        //remove 20
Hi, can you explain why remove 20 is needed? I don't really understand here...
anyone can help?
One solution could be adding 50 (and decreasing the amount) to the remain untill it is divisible by 20. I.e. a second loop.
The (better) idea of Yanson was to subtract 20 until the remain is divisible by 50. Just one loop would be required.
Pardon me if I sounded stupid but will that be a while loop? So far I have try covering topics like if else, for, while loops etc on my own and so am not exactly sure when to use which depending on scenario.

The coding I have been writing uses on if else and unfortunately I believe I am brute forcing through which is not ideal at all
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