Vector of char

I want to get long int value from vector <char>, so I have two working versions:

First solution:
return *(long*)(;

Second solution:
return *reinterpret_cast<const long*>(&;

The question is: Which version is better?

If it's better it means faster or safer? I know that vectors are contignous so I shouldn't worry for real time pointer.
Anyway, second idea looks uglier because of reinterpret_cast stuff. Are they the same?

And the way the value is read, it's better (by better I mean faster in that case) to read by data()+offset or by at(offset)?
What do you think?

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Note that the two snippets you posted are not functionally equivalent. *(long*) is equivalent to (*(long*) + offset.

I always go with the C-style cast, myself.
Both versions seem unsafe. The .at() member function does range checking, which might slow things down (but whether that matters depends on the usage).

But in either case a long will occupy more than a single character, which could lead to out-of-bounds access. If you wanted safety you might need to use sizeof(long) as well as vector size() somewhere in the code.
Sorry, I forgot the ( )

Yea, I have that solution implemented already :)

Thanks you both for the answers

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I tried various versions, this was one which seemed both safe and still reasonably fast - but speed may be compiler dependent.
return  ( (offset >=0) && (sizeof(long) + offset <= vecSample.size()) ) ? *reinterpret_cast<const long *>(&vecSample[offset]) : 0;

For the code I tested, &vecSample[offset] seemed at least as fast as any of the alternatives, and there was no difference in speed regardless of type of cast - though C++ style is considered safer in general, as the compiler is better able to check the code.
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