is this true or false

When converting an algorithm into C++ code, each algorithm step must map to at least one C++ statement.
It wouldn't make much sense if a step could be done without a line of code, because in that case it wouldn't be a step at all. So I suppose the answer is true?

Unless one of the steps is something bizzare as "Make sure all your variables are of type integer". Then I guess you wouldnt need to write any code for that.

Edit: Makes sense what @Chervil said, could be the case too.
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Something like a for loop could encompass in one line several separate operations. It would depend upon how the algorithm was expressed.
No, it is not true.

step n: set y to the value of the current x
step n+1: increment the counter

y = x(i++);

Two algorithm steps, one statement
y = x(i++);
What is even going on here? what is "i". This code makes no sense.

Did you mean this? -

int i = 0;
int x = 5;
int y = x(i++);

This doesnt work at all.
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You could have an algorithm step along the lines of "go back to calling function", but in C++ you can do that simply by having no more statements and it will happen at the end of the function.

A bigger question is where did this question come from? It has the feel of something someone teaching programming with very little actual programming experience might set as homework.
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