Using a program how do i solve this?

Design an application for the Homestead Furniture Store that gets sales
transaction data, including an account number, customer name, and purchase
price. Output the account number and name, then output the customer’s
payment each month for the next 12 months. Assume that there is no finance
charge, that the customer makes no new purchases, and that the customer pays
off the balance with equal monthly payments.

// Start
// Declarations
// number acctNum
// string firstName
// string lastName
// number purchasePrice
// number payment
// output "Please enter account number: "
// input acctNum
// output "Please enter customer's first name: "
// input firstName
// output "Please enter customer's last name: "
// input lastName
// output "Please enter purchase price: "
// input purchasePrice
// payment = purchasePrice / 12
// output "Customer First Name: ", firstName
// output "Customer Last Name: ", lastName
// output "Account Number: ", acctNum
// for count = 1 to 12
// output "Payment Number ", count, ": $" , payment
// endfor
// Stop
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