I'm not very familiar with C++ syntax.
Because of that lap time needs to be in format "M S" for now.
1 2 3
int laptime1 == x;
int laptime2 == y;
int laptime3 == z;
== is equality operator, to assign some value you need to use = operator.
x, y and z varables are not declared and initialised, so you can't assign them to other variables.
And you don't need them at all.
"Who is the driver for car one?"
"What is the color for car one?"
int data type is for integer numbers only.
To store a word or sentence - answers to this questions - you need to use string data type.
I think that you can use getline(cin,
variable); to read a string from the user. But if you are using cin before getline you need to put cin.ignore() after cin because if you don't put that, program will just skip getline function.
You are overwriting previous inputs when entering a new one.
You need to use different variables for each car.
You can convert all minutes to seconds and then compare lap times.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
string driver1, driver2, driver3,
color1, color2, color3;
int number1, number2, number3,
laptimeM1, laptimeS1,
laptimeM2, laptimeS2,
laptimeM3, laptimeS3;
// Car1 Info
cout << "Who is the driver for car one? ";
getline(cin, driver1);
cout << "What is the color for car one? ";
getline(cin, color1);
cout << "What is car one's number? ";
cin >> number1;
cout << "What was car one's laptime? "; // format M:S
cin >> laptimeM1 >> laptimeS1;
// Car2 Info
cout << endl << "Who is the driver for car two? ";
getline(cin, driver2);
cout << "What is the color for car two? ";
getline(cin, color2);
cout << "What is car two's number? ";
cin >> number2;
cout << "What was car two's laptime? ";
cin >> laptimeM2 >> laptimeS2;
// Car3 Info
cout << endl << "Who is the driver for car three? ";
getline(cin, driver3);
cout << "What is the color for car three? ";
getline(cin, color3);
cout << "What is car three's number? ";
cin >> number3;
cout << "what is car three's laptime? ";
cin >> laptimeM3 >> laptimeS3;
// convert all to seconds
int s1 = laptimeS1 + laptimeM1 * 60;
int s2 = laptimeS2 + laptimeM2 * 60;
int s3 = laptimeS3 + laptimeM3 * 60;
cout << endl << "Fastests: "<< endl ;
if (s1 <= s2 && s1 <= s3)
cout << driver1 << " " << color1 << " " << number1 << " " << s1 << "seconds" << endl;
if (s2 <= s1 && s2 <= s3)
cout << driver2 << " " << color2 << " " << number2 << " " << s2 << "seconds" << endl;
if (s3 <= s2 && s3 <= s1)
cout << driver3 << " " << color3 << " " << number3 << " " << s3 << "seconds" << endl;
cout << endl << "Slowest: "<< endl ;
if (s1 >= s2 && s1 >= s3)
cout << driver1 << " " << color1 << " " << number1 << " " << s1 << "seconds" << endl;
if (s2 >= s1 && s2 >= s3)
cout << driver2 << " " << color2 << " " << number2 << " " << s2 << "seconds" << endl;
if (s3 >= s2 && s3 >= s1)
cout << driver3 << " " << color3 << " " << number3 << " " << s3 << "seconds" << endl;
return 0;