Need help with solving a task

Write a program that reads from the standard input a text in English and outputs in the standard output the same text encoded in Morse code. The program must have the following features:

It reads text in English from the standard input. The text is composed by Latin letters, decimal numbers and punctuation (full stop'.', question mark '?', exclamation mark '!').
The text is transformed character by character to Morse code, and the corresponding code is displayed in the standard output. For the correspondence between letters, numbers, punctuation, and their Morse code.
The program also represents the Morse code as sound using the PC speakers. For sound representation.
Technical requirements: The program must contain at least one class, implemented in a separate header and source file.

Could someone please send me the full source code . Thanks a lot !
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This particular piece of your homework has already been done by many of your predecessors. Search for it. You'll find things like:
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