

I have an animation class and I need to use the methods inside my character class.

How would I approach this?

Kind regards
Very broad question. May I assume it's a class you didn't program yourself? If so then when you load up the Header function for that class, you can see what functions are available to you.
I tried to create an instance of my animation inside my character class using Animation playerAnim;

However when I go to build it I get the error

Error 1 error C2079: 'Character::playerAnim' uses undefined class

I have included Animation and even forward declared it in my Character class.

Kind Regards
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You're missing a semicolon on line 37.

Also, you've misspelled "flange".

I have a semi colon there. Could provide some useful feedback?
Damn. There must be something wrong with my telepathy.

I'm afraid you're going to actually have to show us the code in the forum, since trying to read it from your mind isn't working. Who could possibly have predicted that?
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