I'd appreciate some help: here I managed to write some code, whose purpose is to give result TRUE(1) if point Z(a,b) is NOT in the circle with center f(c,d) and R. I've managed somehow to write a code which does not return any syntax or semantic errors, however, no matter what values if give to the variables, a,b,c,d and R, I get result 0 (or false). The task HAS to be based on a boolean expression. Here is the code:
I understand now, I'm trying to get used to the boolean type. When I read your answer, I knew instantly how to fix the problem, here's a code which gives True when point Z (a,b) is within a cirle with centr f(0,0), R=5 and point Z is in the 3rd quadrant, the code responded correctly. Thanks once again, I've been trying to figure it out since last night.
// ConsoleApplication31.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.