Prompt Confusion?

Hey guys, I was recently assigned an lab assignment in which it requires me to create a code based on this prompt: Am I suppose to create a code in which it determines how much is needed to create a dollar based on these test data?
Write a C++ program to solve the following problem:

Determine the amount of money in dollars in a change purse given the number of quarter, dimes, nickels, and pennies. Prompt the user for the number of each type of coin.

Test data: 3 quarters, no dimes, 5 nickels, and 23 pennies.

The source code must contain your name, email and lab number as comments at the top. In addition to these comments, have at least four other meaningful comments. The output must contain your name created through cout statement(s).

Submit the source code with the output for the above test c

Am I suppose to create a code in which it determines how much is needed to create a dollar based on these test data?

No. It seems to want you to ask the user how many if each type coins they have, then cout the dollar value of these. Your test data would equal $1.23.
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